You Can't Get Where You Should Be With Mediocre Videos.

Comedy TV Spot
$11,000, NOW ONLY
30 sec, 60 sec, 90 sec, 120 sec
Complete: script, filming, montage
"Dollar Shave Club" type ad  HOT
Free Initial Consultation: CTVS
Schedule A Spot
Tabletop Ad
$5,500, NOW ONLY
Suitable for food and product showcase
Slow-mo / Speed Ramp
Music, transitions, SFX
Free Initial Consultation: TTSFX
Schedule A Spot
Full Infomercial
$18,000, NOW ONLY
5 to 12 minutes production
Full consulting with our ad experts
Can be a different genre
Free Initial Consultation: FFINFO
Schedule A Spot
*Special discount offer on social vertical videos. Want to go viral? It starts with one phone call. Get on our calendar.
Free marketing consultation and advice for all video clients. Our experts are available to you during any open project.


Shorts work best when packaged and deployed sequentially. 
Here are 9 examples with client assets and 3 with stock footage.
You can also get started by sending what you have. No filming = lower cost.



The secret of all marketing comes down to the laws of probability. When you increase the number of people who see your message, and you implement  the data science, the mechanisms that inherently raise the percentage of people you interact with, results no longer have a choice whether they happen or not. You've put the odds (or the gods of destiny if you will) on your side.


We can come in and consult. Either we do it for you, or we can teach your current IT team how to implement both aspects - massive sending and call center setup + training. Free initial consultation.



Cinematography goes beyond simply recording video to creatively using light, camera movement, actor movement, props , special effects, transitions, music and composition to tell a story and to evoke specific emotions in the audience.


Full service from a group that understands both aspects - your business priorities and how to apply the creative work to your projects.  Stop feeding the monster of mediocrity that gives you nothing back. Invest in a proper production if you want your message to be consequential. Free consultation.


Massive Direct Campaigns

High response rates
Call center integration
Targeted campaigns
Multi-channel capabilities
Analytics and reporting
Compliance management
Customization options
Expertise and support is a massive direct marketing campaign provider specializing in high-response campaigns integrated with call center operations. They offer end-to-end solutions for businesses looking to engage B2B & B2C through targeted direct marketing efforts.

Integrate high rates of response, the sending architecture, call center design (fulfillment) and team training.

New to massive campaigns? We'll show you how.
Kickass Video Campaigns

Creative storytelling
Visual impact
Brand memorability
Emotional engagement
Multi-platform versatility
Professional production quality
Strategic messaging
Audience targeting
Measurable ROI
Competitive edge

We create stunning video spots and TV commercials that elevate brands through expert cinematography and compelling storytelling. Our award-winning team combines creative vision with strategic marketing to produce content that captivates audiences across all platforms.

From concept to final cut, we deliver high-impact video solutions that drive results.

Rip the mediocrity monkey off your back.

Stop Mediocrity
Evolve Your Videos

Our track record includes campaigns for over 60 Fortune 500 clients. Even marketing authorities like Incentives
and Sales & Marketing Management magazines have leveraged our expertise. Discover what sets us apart.

Crafting Impactful Commercials

  • Audience insights
  • Product understanding
  • Open-minded approach
  • Market-driven themes
  • Intelligence gathering
  • Strategic development
  • Cinematic focus
  • Emotional layering
  • Memorable content
  • Viral production
  • Political advertising
  • Humor focus
  • Direct pricing
  • Creative exploration
  • Unique vision
  • Shock value
  • Drone filming
  • Team expertise
  • Best results

What goes into making an HFA video

1. Audience and Product Research

1. Audience and Product Research

We start by gathering and analyzing dozens (sometimes hundreds of)  mixed reviews, not just good reviews, and not just for your product, but for similar ones.

This includes all ratings across different platforms. In this process, we look for recurring themes, words, and emotions to understand what resonates with customers. Sorting these insights helps us pinpoint the most important issues and key selling points.

2. Defining the Core Message

We break down your product's value proposition by expanding on three key elements:


  • Problem: What issue does your product solve?
  • Solution: How does it solve that problem?
  • Unique Advantage: Why is your product better than the alternatives?


We then refine these into an elevator pitch that summarizes your product’s main selling points in just 20 seconds.

3. Competitive Analysis

Understanding your competition is essential. We map out their strengths, weaknesses, marketing strategies, and how customers perceive them. This helps us highlight your unique advantage and the most pressing problems that your product can solve better than others.

We love solving competition mysteries. For instance you have two restaurants, one with a full parking lot on Wednesday, the other empty on the weekend. We like to find out exactly why. It's in our DNA. The result of this work can help you not only in making a better commercial, but it can also give you some idea about applied improvements in other areas of your business.

4. Creative Development

We develop multiple concepts based on the insights gathered, refining the message through versions that test clarity and impact. We look at what has worked in other commercials—whether emotional appeals, humor, or shock factors—and integrate those elements into a unique approach for your ad.

This is the point where we coined a few good ideas, hopefully with your full involvement. These now get tested side by side until the best emerges. All with feedback from the marketplace, scientifically, so there is no bias from us or from you. The market decides.

Example client session

5. Hook and Storytelling

The first few seconds of any ad are critical. We study successful viral ads and apply those findings to craft a compelling hook for your product. The story we create follows a proven structure:


  • Hook: Capture immediate attention.
  • Problem: Highlight the issue your audience faces.
  • Product Introduction: Present the solution (your product).
  • Solution: Explain how it works and what it means for the audience.
  • Call to Action: A clear and concise prompt for the viewer to take the next step.


You see, success has formulas. Those who achieved it applied them, either intentionally or intuitively. Also, the market changes. What worked last year may not work today. So we do our homework on every project.

6. Fine-Tuning the Script

Once we have a solid draft, we test it with a small audience to ensure clarity and effectiveness. Their feedback helps us refine the message further until it’s polished, concise, and irresistible—leaving people who watch your spot asking where they can get the product or service.

This thorough process ensures that your commercials not only entertain but also drive the action, making them highly memorable and effective, and engaging in subliminal ways, so that the intended audience can't stop watching them.

According to TechJury and Kapwing, 3.72 billion videos are uploaded daily on YouTube and TikTok. But here’s the truth: most of them vanish into the void, unseen and unnoticed. Why? Because too many settle for "good enough."

On the right side are two example projects, one a fundraising call to action, whose prep work you can see in Step 4, the other a law firm TV commercial, both highly praised by the viewing audience. While notorious for deploying massive campaigns and writing funny commercials, we'd like to make it transparently obvious that we can also touch hearts.

Emotional Fundraising CTA
Veteran Rights Law Firm
Hartford Film Academy

Isn’t it time to demand more from your content?

7. Shooting and Montage

During shooting, our cinematographers use techniques like dramatic lighting, creative camera angles, and carefully composed shots to create a visually rich and immersive world. This attention to visual detail helps transport viewers beyond the everyday reality of product advertising.


In montage, editors skillfully weave these shots together, controlling pacing and juxtaposing images to create emotional resonance and narrative flow. They can use techniques like match cuts, rhythmic editing, or contrast to create a dreamlike quality or heighten drama. This careful assembly of footage can make even mundane products feel part of a larger, more engaging story.


Together, these processes work to create a miniature film experience rather than just a sales pitch. By employing cinematic techniques typically associated with movies, commercials can create a more absorbing world where viewers temporarily forget they're watching an advertisement. This suspension of disbelief allows the audience to connect more deeply with the brand's message or story, making the commercial more effective and memorable.

What goes into a Direct-E campaign

The Direct-E Process

Preliminary Massive Campaign Knowledge
Explore the Magic of Pushing Probabilistic Causality

There is a direct relationship between the number of calls you make and the number of clients you sign up. We craft and position your strategic communications to maximize interactions. Contact a massive campain specialist at Direct-E or a commercial film ad director at HFA and discover why the F500 choose to work with us again and again, even when they have similar skills in house.
DIRECT-E. Growth on tap. Level up!
Robert Benjamin
Data Integrity Manager, American Lawyer Media
"Dan is very methodical, meticulous and has a good aesthetic sense – along with understanding our business and what we needed and what our customers required. He always had good ideas, was never too busy to explain what he was doing, and always went the extra mile so that we could meet deadlines. The project turned out to be such a success, that even though this campaign was supposed to be temporary, we are still using it a year and a half later.
In addition, Dan is a very nice guy, very cultured and intelligent -- a very nice guy to work with."
Amare Berhie
Executive President, Ethiopian Girls’ Bright Future Fund
"I want to extend our deepest gratitude for your invaluable support in creating a compelling video presentation for our organization. Your dedication and expertise have genuinely brought our mission to life, showcasing the transformative impact we strive to achieve. The video you helped us create will amplify our message, reaching hearts and minds across borders and inspiring more individuals and organizations to join our cause. Once again, thank you for your generosity and for sharing our vision of a brighter future for these deserving young girls. We look forward to continuing this impactful partnership as we work together to make a lasting difference in their lives."
James DeAngelis
Project/Production Manager, The National Law Journal
"I work as the Project/Production Manager for The National Law Journal (NLJ) Litigation Support Division and have been one of Dan’s clients for the past two years. Dan has built NLJ's database collection web forms to our specifications and has done an outstanding job of integrating cross-marketing functionality into our editorial and promotional campaigns. Dan also has expertly applied his database programming knowledge to keep our databases current and has received positive feedback from our clients on his professional customer service support."


* Hybrid Tactics To Raise Direct Marketing Response Rates (what we do, explained for executives).
* Analog Patch for the Destiny Glitch - The Neuroscience of Outsmarting Your Limbic System (research paper on how brains make decisions)
* Leveraging Crowd Insanity - How To Profit From Chaos
* Cinema in Advertising: The Screen To Sale Playbook
* Close International Trade Deals Like a Harvard MBA
** Transforming a Brand into a Cult: Advanced Techniques for Influencing Consumer Behavior Patterns

Over the years, we have published many industry specific whitepapers, guides, manuals and courses.
Our strategic operational alliance with an M&A  firm gives us deep real world analytics into methods that actually work to raise revenue. Our partnerships with HFA guarantees your video projects are Hollywood level.

* Available free to verified clients of HFA or Direct-E.
** Not released yet.